Category Archives: Uncategorized

Billy Joel looks to resume Madison Square Garden residency in 2021

Billy Joel appears optimistic that the pandemic won’t block live shows by year’s end. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame honoree is resuming his monthly residency at Madison Square Garden on Nov. 5. He has scheduled monthly dates at the iconic New York City arena through April. Joel began his monthly residency in January…MORE

Dunkin’ is giving away free hot coffee every Monday in February

Dunkin’ is giving away free hot coffee every Monday in February

Thinking about Monday and the start of the work week can be dreadful, but Dunkin’ has a plan to perk up coffee drinkers with a new promotion called “Free Coffee Mondays.” Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Starting Monday, February 1 and every Monday after that, until February 22, Dunkin’ Perks members can enjoy…MORE

‘Nipplegate’ revisited: What really happened between Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake?

It was Justin Timberlake, after all, who along with Janet Jackson at the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show gave birth to the phrase “wardrobe malfunction’’ and together were embroiled in “Nipplegate.’’ As the infamous halftime show culminated, Timberlake pulled off part of Jackson’s outfit, briefly exposing her right breast in front of a TV audience…MORE

Geddy Lee Explains Why There’s No Unreleased Rush Music

Geddy Lee has revealed why Rush does not have a collection of unreleased music to be packaged into a retrospective collection. “No, there’s nothing,” Lee confirmed to Rolling Stone in a new interview. “There’s nothing there. There’s nothing left. There might be half-finished demos somewhere where we got halfway through and went, ‘Oh, this song sucks.’ And it never…MORE


A violin cover of Van Halen’s “Eruption” has been unleashed on the world. The rendition comes courtesy of Unlucky Morpheus, a Japanese metal band that’s been together since 2008. The star of the show is Jill, the group’s violinist and only musician to appear in the song’s video. With the exception of a few full-band…MORE

Cicely Tyson, Pioneering Hollywood Icon, Dies at 96

Emmy- and Tony-winning actress Cicely Tyson, who distinguished herself in theater, film and television, died on Thursday afternoon. She was 96. “I have managed Miss Tyson’s career for over 40 years, and each year was a privilege and blessing,” her manager, Larry Thompson, said in a statement. “Cicely thought of her new memoir as a…MORE

Kraft launches pink mac and cheese for Valentine’s Day that tastes like … candy?

Kraft launches pink mac and cheese for Valentine’s Day that tastes like … candy?

There are a lot of foods that pair together perfectly to spark a little romance. Spaghetti and meatballs, for instance. Chocolate and strawberries, too. Kraft’s Valentine’s Day concoction, on the other hand, sparks confusion. While macaroni merges with cheese most harmoniously, Kraft decided to add on a third wheel for Feb. 14: candy … pink…MORE